Sunday, December 29, 2019

Little projects

I've been trying to get some little projects done.
I bought a doll house kit,

that came with dolls and their pets.


Made mittens for an upcoming trip to the snow

and a cowl.

One of my nieces said I'd never made her any socks, so I got that done.

My husband bought me a new sewing machine at our neighbors' estate sale.

Okay. Maybe it's not so new, but it works like a dream

Most of my free time has been taken up with a not so little project. I've been trying to reclaim my backyard meadow from invasive grasses.

with some success.

On a day trip, we found a kit to make a cloth book in the local quilting store.

It was a fast, fun project.

Not quite as fast, but extremely satisfying was my reorganizing of this cabinet. My serger finally has a place to live (other than the floor) when not in use!!
The owners of my LYS (local yarn store) have been discounting some of their merchandise prior to their retirement. I'd been looking at this organic cotton, baby blanket kit, and with our friends' newest arrival, I had two excuses to purchase it, along with some other fiber...

...was that me who said: "I stash fiber, not yarn," (forgetting that they say, "never say 'never'!)?


  1. Great work, as always. Sewing machine reminds me of a machine my mother had and sold in 1966.

    1. I learned on something similar,too. And I'm especially thrilled to be able to close it away inside the cabinet in seconds flat.

  2. Wow, you've been really busy! Can I have some of your energy?? I love the cloth book and house that you made for someone special. What a great idea! And congratulations on tackling your gardening, it looks great, and I would imagine it's probably an ongoing battle.

    Happy creating,
